Crossfaded: The Runners High
If you aren’t a runner, you might have heard runners say that there is a high you can encounter while running. Believe me I thought this was some bat shit crazy speak - before I became a runner. I will admit, it’s real.
As an avid wake and baker, I figured out if you take a big ole’ rip off a kief loaded bowl before hand, the cannabis effects will let your brain wander while the runner’s high comes in like a perfect pass of the baton in a relay race. It’s really something beautiful to experience your body be (literally) taken to new heights.
“That was a stoner pun & I’m not ashamed. ”
Personal Example aka Story Time:
Im out on my morning run, high as hell, because you know - wake and bake is life. I come up to a soccer field where a man and his two very distinguished, slightly scary looking Dobermanns are using the space to its full potential. The 2 pups are basically doing back flips they seem so happy to be here with him. It was almost like I was getting to watch 2 big stoned-face security guards dance like no one was watching - if that makes sense?
The runners high hits as this song starts to play turning this scene into the end sequence of a romantic comedy, where you know everything is going to be ok. AND THEN - All of a sudden, I cant control the laughter that begins to forcibly spill out of the corners of my mouth as if someone just squeeze my water bottle mid gulp.
This could be referred to as a Cascade Effect. A cascade effect is an inevitable and sometimes unforeseen chain of events due to an act affecting a system.
My cannabis high + runners highs + this song all came together perfectly to give me the most euphoric laugh I’ve had in 2020 and I know we could all use a laugh like that right now.
Got a fire crossfade? Frick my world up! (in the comments below)
Everybody has a version of this.